I was pleased to participate in NCAAN’s HIV/AIDS Advocacy Day. It taught me an important lesson about risk and stigma.
I have been in a monogamous relationship for more than twenty years. I don’t use intravenous drugs. I don’t have any reason to believe that I could possibly have HIV.
Then why was I nervous about getting tested? What in the world could I be afraid of?
Stigma. What if? What will people think?
We’re still fighting stigma, and that’s why it’s important for NCAAN to continue their advocacy. With all of the medical advances on HIV and AIDS treatment, we are still fighting a battle of human minds. We can’t stop the spread of HIV/AIDS without people getting tested. And people won’t get tested while we still have such stigma.
I commend NCAAN for your important work to keep our focus on addressing HIV/AIDS and caring for those who have the disease.
Rep. Graig Meyer
NCGA House District 50
Serving Orange and Durham Counties