What has the North Carolina AIDS Drug Assistance Program meant to you?
ADAP has been important to me because my medicine is my lifeline. I can’t take a test at home to know my viral load and CD4 count, but because I know my meds are consistent, I also know my health is stable, and I can remain undetectable. Losing ADAP for those who don’t have any other access to their medication would be like losing hope all together. If we lose the money funding ADAP people will die. For the infection rates to be going up and the money funding programs like ADAP to be going down is just a contradiction in itself. We deserve to live like anyone else. When you take away the funding that helps us to live what does that say about how you run your state? It says that obviously you don’t care about the people living here. It is sad that people have to be put in the situation personally to understand it. God forbid they have a family member or someone they love become infected, but most of the time that’s what it takes for people to truly understand how important programs like ADAP are. It’s sad that we have to fight to live. We need to do something about this epidemic now so this isn’t still affecting our children and grandchildren. It should be a human right to have reasonable access to health resources. North Carolina can’t be neglected anymore. We’re in the top 10 states infected. Don’t ignore my state.