Like so many of you, NC AIDS Action Network has been pained to see the shameless recent murders of Black people across this country. George Floyd didn’t have to die. Ahmaud Arbery didn’t have to die. Breonna Taylor didn’t have to die. Too many countless, and often unnamed, other Black people didn’t have to die. Black lives matter. We stand in solidarity with all people across North Carolina speaking out against racism, white supremacy and police brutality.
Our movement and network is intersectional. We won’t reach full LGBTQ equality until we end racism. We aren’t going to end the HIV epidemic without ending racism. We won’t end health disparities until we end racism.
As we begin to mark Pride month, we must remember the critically important role that queer and trans people of color played in moving our movement forward. In June 1969, black and brown queer and trans people of color led an uprising at the Stonewall Inn against police brutality and discrimination faced by LGBTQ people, which was the catalyst towards empowering LGBTQ people to live their full and authentic lives, but we still have work to do.
At this time, we want to lift up the work of our partner organizations and coalitions who are leading efforts across our state to dismantle racism and combat police brutality. If you are able to, we hope you will consider how you can take action in your own life to speak out on these issues.
NC AIDS Action Network staff will be attending the BYP100 protest in Durham this afternoon at 6 PM. You can find more information about the protest here.
In Charlotte, the NAACP chapter is hosting a protest tomorrow, June 2nd at 4:45 PM. You can find more information here.
If you are in a position to, we hope you will consider donating to a cause working to combat white supremacy. A number of bail funds have been set up across North Carolina to assist protestors.
Make sure you vote this November. Voting can be a radical act, and we must work to increase participation in elections and ensure everyone has access to the ballot box.
If we can share additional information or work that you are doing to our network, do not hesitate to contact us.
– North Carolina AIDS Action Network